Tactical Ways to Use Your Ludo Tokens Wisely

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Online ludo has taken the gaming community by storm. People have been consistently looking forward to downloading and updating to the latest version of the game. All thanks to the lockdown, which impeded the online ludo games, keeping families entertained and connected. 

However, one aspect that many people miss out on is using the ludo tokens tactfully for a guaranteed win, especially if stakes are involved. If you have been thinking that online ludo is all about lucky numbers on the dice, then that’s not the case. Online ludo is about gauging opportunities, implementing witty strategies, reaching the destination first, and yielding wins with limited luck. 

Explore Ludo Game Secret: 5 Tactics to Use Your Tokens Strategically

If you are about to download the ludo game app, start playing using the below-mentioned ludo tips and tricks for a consistent win: 

1- Free All Your Tokens From the Base Camp

Although an underrated tip, but an important one – bring all your tokens out from the base camp. As you roll the dice, grab every opportunity and free all your tokens, allowing them to enter the game. It will help strategically position them, improving your chances to outsmart your opponents. Having all your tokens out of the base camp improves your chances of moving closer to the destination before your opponent does.

2- Set a Trap for Other Players

It is a risky strategy; hence use it tactfully, especially when stakes are involved. Here, you challenge your opponents by aiming primarily at only knocking their tokens down. However, it is suggested to implement this strategy when your tokens are in the first or second quadrant, minimizing the risk of your tokens being attacked. If abiding by this strategy, remember to send every token of your opponent back to their starting point. 

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3- Pursue and Hunt Your Opponents

If your tokens are moving closer to the destination, watch your opponent’s tokens. The game will be no fun if your opponent is moving closer to the destination. Thus, try chasing your opponent’s token and sending them back to the starting point before they enter a safe zone or the third or fourth quadrant. Ensure targeting their evolved tokens, as losing them might frustrate your opponent, leading to rash decisions. It will give you a competitive edge.

4- Value the Tokens Nearing Destination

The most valued tokens in online ludo games are those inching toward the third or fourth quadrant. It is because they are closest to the destination in the game. Although nearing the home, they are the most vulnerable to risk and potential threats from your opponent’s tokens. Your opponents will use all their intellectual might to attack your tokens, trying to pull you away from the home square. Thus, ensure you move them only when no opponent token is around.

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5- Avoid Unnecessary Risks

As your developed tokens are your gateway to victory, do not risk using them unnecessarily to hunt your opponent’s tokens; keep them well-protected. However, you can surely use your underdeveloped tokens or those in the first or second quadrant. Your opponent’s evolved tokens will cross your starting point at some point in the game. At this time, start chasing them and do not allow them to escape. 

Some Important Ludo Game Rules You Must Know

Here are some of the most crucial ludo rules you must be acquainted with while playing a game of Ludo:

  • A roll of six on the dice has two options for players, either you release a token from the base camp to the starting point or move your in-play tokens six steps ahead in the game. Also, you can reroll the dice a second time after your first move, post rolling a six.
  • If a token is on a colored square, it is considered safe and cannot be eliminated. However, if the opponent brings down a token, it has to return to the base camp and wait for a six on the dice to start its journey back in the game.
  • Tokens can reach the destination only by rolling an exact number on the dice. For example, if one of your tokens is one step away from the destination, your dice should roll an exact one for it to enter the destination zone. If you roll a two or a three, you won’t be allowed to move forward.
  • Your aim must be to get all your tokens to the home square before your opponent does, moving clockwise through all the colored tracks on the ludo board.

Play Ludo on Big Cash

For those seeking a heightened level of engagement and looking to learn how to play Ludo, the Big Cash Ludo game platform emerges as an enticing destination. As you embark on your gaming journey, this platform not only promises endless enjoyment but also offers the tantalizing possibility of winning alluring rewards and coveted cash prizes. With Big Cash, the thrill of Ludo is elevated to new heights, transforming casual play into a riveting pursuit of triumph and recognition. Download the Big Cash Ludo game app now and immerse yourself in an arena where strategy meets excitement and where every move holds the potential for exhilarating rewards.

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Also Read: Best Real Cash Games In India To Play And Win Money In 2023


An online ludo game is filled with the excitement and thrill of hunting your opponent’s tokens down, and reaching the destination before them. Raising a stake in it makes the game even more interesting as it demands the implementation of thoughtful strategies. The more you play this game, the more you get allured to it. An enhanced way of keeping yourself and your loved ones entertained, download the ludo game app now and get a chance to win intriguing rewards and cash prizes. 


1- What are the best ways to use Ludo Tokens?

The best ways to use Ludo Tokens include strategic gameplay, moving your pawns effectively, blocking opponents’ tokens, and securing safe spots. Mastering these tactics can help you advance in the game and increase your chances of winning.

2- How do Ludo Tokens work in the Ludo game?

Ludo Tokens represent your pawns in the Ludo game. You move them based on the dice roll, aiming to get all your tokens from the start area to the end zone. Proper use of Ludo Tokens involves strategic movement and positioning.

3- What are some Ludo tips for using tokens effectively?

  • Strategic Movement: Prioritise moving tokens that are closer to the end zone.
  • Safe Spots: Move tokens to safe spots where they can’t be captured by opponents.
  • Blocking Opponents: Use your tokens to block or capture opponents’ pawns.

4- How do I use Ludo Tokens in an online Ludo game?

In an online Ludo game, use your Ludo Tokens just like in the physical board game. Follow the Ludo rule of moving tokens based on dice rolls and aim to reach the end zone while avoiding opponents’ tokens.

5- What is the Ludo Supreme League, and how do Ludo Tokens play a part in it?

The Ludo Supreme League is a competitive online Ludo game where players use Ludo Tokens to compete against others. Effective use of Ludo Tokens, combined with strategic planning and dice rolls, can help you win and earn real cash rewards.

6- How can I improve my gameplay with Ludo Tokens in a Ludo earning app?

In a Ludo earning app, improving your gameplay with Ludo Tokens involves practising regularly, learning from experienced players, and employing strategies to block opponents and reach the end zone faster. This can enhance your chances of winning real cash.

7- Are there any special rules for Ludo Tokens in the classic board game version?

In the classic board game version of Ludo, the rules for using Ludo Tokens are standard. Each player moves their tokens based on dice rolls, with the goal of getting all their tokens to the end zone while adhering to the game’s basic rules.

8- How does the die roll affect the use of Ludo Tokens?

The die roll determines how many spaces you can move your Ludo Tokens. Strategic rolling and movement based on the die’s outcome are crucial for advancing your tokens and capturing opponents’ pawns.

9- What are safe spots in Ludo, and how do I use them with my tokens?

Safe spots are predefined positions on the Ludo board where tokens cannot be captured by opponents. Use these spots strategically to protect your tokens and plan your next moves effectively.

10- Can you explain the end zone in the context of Ludo Tokens?

The end zone is the final destination for your Ludo Tokens. The objective is to move all your tokens from the start area to the end zone by navigating the board, avoiding captures, and strategically using safe spots.

11- How do opponents’ tokens impact my gameplay in Ludo?

Opponents’ tokens can capture your tokens, sending them back to the start. To avoid this, plan your moves to either avoid opponents’ tokens or capture theirs first.

12- How do Ludo Tokens contribute to the overall gameplay experience?

Ludo Tokens are central to the gameplay experience, providing strategic depth and interaction with opponents. Effective use of tokens enhances the fun and competitive nature of the game.

13- Are there any rewards associated with the effective use of Ludo Tokens in online games?

Yes, many online Ludo games offer rewards for effective use of Ludo Tokens, including in-game points, rankings, and even real cash prizes in competitive platforms like the Ludo Supreme League.


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