The Ultimate List of 8 Ball Pool Champions You Need to Follow

List of top 8 ball pool players

The world of 8 ball pool has many skilled and dedicated people. These pool players have caught the attention of fans all over the globe. They show amazing skills, smart strategies, and great determination. From the early stars to today’s top players, the pool world has seen many outstanding individuals. Some of them have even earned the important title of world champion.

The Ultimate List of 8 Ball Pool Champions

The world of 8-ball pool has many great players who have greatly influenced the game. These talented individuals come from all over the world. They have inspired many new players. Get ready to learn about the fascinating stories of these 8-ball pool champions. We will look at their amazing achievements and the difference they have made in the sport.

Let’s explore the amazing careers and success of these 8-ball pool legends!

1. Pankaj Advani: India’s Pride in Billiards and Snooker

Pankaj Arjan Advani is a true star in cue sports. This Indian player has made a name for himself in both billiards and snooker. He has had great success in his long career. Advani started his journey in professional billiards at a young age. His natural talent and love for the sport showed early on. His hard work and focus took him to amazing heights.

Advani’s skills have won him many awards. He is a 25-time world champion. He has won many important tournaments, often beating tough opponents with his precise shots and smart strategy. More than his personal wins, Pankaj Advani’s strong dedication to the sport has inspired many young players in India.

2. Geet Sethi: A Legend in the World of Cue Sports

Geet Sethi is one of the most well-known names in Indian cue sports. His journey has lasted many years and changed how people view billiards and snooker around the world. Sethi worked hard and had a natural talent that helped him reach great heights. He became a big name in international billiards. His amazing skills and unique playing style won over fans everywhere, bringing him many awards and making him an icon.

As a six-time world professional billiards champion, Geet Sethi’s success in the sport is clear. He was also a former world champion in English billiards. Beyond just playing, Sethi has helped make cue sports more popular in India. Thanks to him, more young players are getting noticed and supported. His work with the billiards congress shows his dedication to improving the game.

3. Aditya Mehta: Breaking Barriers in Snooker

Aditya Mehta proudly represents India on the world stage. He shows great determination and skill in snooker. His story is inspiring as he overcame challenges to achieve great success. Mehta started young, showing talent in cue sports. With hard training and dedication, he sharpened his skills and moved up in professional snooker.

His big break came when he performed well in important international tournaments. He earned respect as a strong competitor. In 2012, he made history by being the first Indian to score a perfect break in a professional snooker tournament. This achievement paved the way for him in the sport.

Mehta also represented India at the Asian Games, showing his talent on a larger stage. His successes inspire new snooker players in India. He breaks down barriers, helping future snooker players make their mark in the world.

4. Manan Chandra: A Formidable Force in Pool

Manan Chandra is one of the top Indian pool players. His path shows how hard work and love for the game can lead to success. He has faced many challenges, but he has become a strong player in the 8-ball pool world. With over ten years in his career, Chandra has shown his commitment with great performances and amazing wins.

He has won several significant titles, including multiple national championships, proving himself on the home front. His sharp focus, smart strategies, and ability to handle pressure set him apart. Manan Chandra has not only made a name for himself but also raised the profile of Indian pool on the world stage. He inspires young players across the country to follow their dreams in Indian pool.

5. Alok Kumar: The Versatile Cueist

Alok Kumar is a great example of talent and flexibility in cue sports around the world. His great skills in both billiards and snooker have made him known as a true all-rounder. Throughout his career, Kumar has shown a special talent for adjusting his play style to different games. He often beats his opponents with his smart strategies and technical skills.

Kumar has a strong track record that includes winning many national and international championships, showing that he is a top player in his sport. More than just winning, his hard work to keep improving and his strong love for cue sports make him very special. Whether he is playing precise billiards or complex snooker, Alok Kumar always meets the challenge. He keeps winning major titles and his mix of skills and his drive for greatness inspire many young cueists everywhere.

6. Brijesh Damani: India’s Emerging Talent in Snooker

India has a lot of snooker talent, and Brijesh Damani shows how strong the country is in this sport. He is an emerging talent and has quickly gained attention for his excellent skills. He can compete well against experienced players. His hard work is clear in how fast he is moving up in the sport. People should watch for him in the coming years.

Damani’s journey shows his great dedication and desire to get better. He stays calm under pressure, which makes him stand out in the game. Even though he is new to the international scene, Brijesh Damani has made a big impact. He has already won several international titles, showing that he has what it takes to reach the top.

7. Vidya Pillai: The Queen of Indian Snooker

Vidya Pillai is a leader and role model in Indian cue sports. She is a key person in women’s snooker. Vidya has broken barriers and opened doors for young female athletes in a field mainly run by men. Her story shows her true love for the game and her hard work. Pillai has done incredibly well in Indian women’s snooker.

She has won many national championships. This has made her a well-known champion and one of the best players in the country. As a six-time national champion, Vidya Pillai has displayed her great skills. She serves as an inspiration for young female athletes throughout India. Pilai is also known internationally, as she has represented India in many tournaments and gained respect for her talent and fair play.

8. Sourav Kothari: Continuing the Legacy

Sourav Kothari proudly represents Indian cue sports. He carries forward the nation’s strong tradition of success in billiards. With his strong will and great skill, Kothari has made a name for himself on the world stage. His dedication to the sport shows in his steady performances and great track record. He is a worthy successor to India’s famous billiards players.

In 2019, Kothari achieved his greatest success by becoming the world billiards champion. This amazing win brought honor to India and placed him among the best billiards players in the world. Besides his world title, Sourav Kothari has often delivered great performances. He has won many gold medals in top tournaments, showing his strength and making him a true champion. His ability to stay calm under pressure, along with his smart game strategies and focus, make him a master of the sport.

The Evolution of the 8-Ball Pool in India

The journey of 8 ball pool in India has changed a lot. It started as a little-known activity and grew into a popular and respected sport. Many people and groups have put in a lot of work to improve the status of 8 ball pool. They have focused on developing talent and making competitive play better.

Because of this, Indian players have done well in international events. It has also made 8 ball pool more popular with regular players in communities.

The Beginnings: From Obscurity to National Recognition

In the beginning, 8 ball pool in India was not very popular. It mostly stayed in fun places and did not have a set structure. But, some dedicated fans saw the sport’s chance to grow and took action. The start of the billiard association was a key moment in this story. It gave players a way to compete and show their skills at a national level.

As the sport started to become more popular, India’s role in it grew. A big moment came when India hosted its first Asianbilliards championship in 1983. This event showed how important India was in cue sports and inspired new players to join. With more people getting interested, pool halls began to change, moving away from being just fun places to becoming training areas for future stars. This change in how people saw them, along with the hard work of players and organizers, helped 8 ball pool gain national fame.

Modern Era: The Rise of International Competitions

The 21st century brought big changes for 8 ball pool in India. The sport became much more popular. This happened because there was more media coverage, more corporate support, and new talented players shining on the world stage.

The World Pool League, which included some of the best players, helped make the sport even bigger in India. Aspiring players could show their skills on a global stage. Competing against top players gave them valuable experience and exposure. As India participated more in international championships, people began to notice and respect Indian players more. The pool world recognized their great skills and strategy, making India a strong player in 8 ball pool.

Training and Techniques for Aspiring Champions

Becoming a champion in 8-ball pool takes more than just luck or talent. It needs hard work, determination, and a good grasp of the game’s details. Aspiring players should build strong basic skills. At the same time, they must practice advanced techniques and smart strategies to stay ahead. This section will share helpful tips about training and the important areas to focus on to become great.

Now, let’s look at the key parts that can help take your game to the next level!

Building a Solid Foundation: Basic Skills Every Player Needs

Every person who wants to be an 8-ball pool champion must focus on building strong basic skills. These skills are important because they help you create better moves and plans. This way, players can make shots accurately, consistently, and with confidence.

A key part of this is learning how to cue properly. This means having a smooth, controlled stroke and ensuring the cue tip hits the cue ball correctly every time. Players should also pay attention to their stance and body position. Being in the right place adds stability and helps control the shot.

Knowing how to use spin is also very important. By getting good at topspin, backspin, and sidespin, players can change the path of the cue ball after it hits the object ball. This opens up many new strategies to try.

Getting help from an experienced pool coach can speed up learning. A coach gives personal guidance, helps find areas to improve, and shares tips on how to build a winning attitude.

Advanced Strategies: Taking Your Game to the Next Level

While learning basic skills is important, advanced strategies are vital for people who want to excel in professional billiards. These strategies require understanding table positioning, shot choices, and predicting what the opponent will do. A key part of advanced play is having good table awareness. This means you should always be aware of where all the balls are, spotting potential obstacles, and planning your shots several moves ahead.

Good pool players can picture different situations and make plans based on them. They know how to control the cue ball by using different techniques like stop shots, follow shots, and draw shots. This helps them set up the cue ball well for the next shot. Here are some important strategies to focus on:

  • Pattern Play: Spotting and using patterns on the table can improve your chances of making all the balls in one go.
  • Safety Play: A good safety shot is just as important as making a pot. Knowing when and how to play a safety can break your opponent’s focus and give you a better edge.
  • Mind Games: Playing professional billiards can involve mental tactics. Understanding what your opponent is good at and where they struggle can help you take advantage of their weaknesses, boosting your chances of winning.


In conclusion, the world of 8 Ball Pool has amazing champions like Pankaj Advani, Geet Sethi, and Aditya Mehta. They have made a mark in cue sports history. The game has grown in India, gaining both national and international fame. Aspiring players can improve their skills by learning the basics and advanced strategies. The legacy of this sport continues with new talents like Brijesh Damani and Vidya Pillai. Sourav Kothari also keeps the spirit of excellence alive. The world of 8 Ball Pool champions shows hard work, skill, and love for the game.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- What makes 8 Ball Pool different from other cue sports?

8 ball pool is a popular type of pocket billiards played on a pool table. It is different from other cue sports like snooker or straight pool because of its unique rules and play style. The goal is to legally pocket all seven of your specific object balls, either stripes or solids. After that, you must pocket the black 8 ball to win. Using the white cue ball to pocket the balls is what makes ball pool special among cue sports.

2- How can I participate in national level 8 Ball Pool tournaments in India?

To take part in national tournaments and have a chance to compete for pool championships, reach out to the Billiard Association in your state or region. They usually set up qualifying events and give details about upcoming real moneytournaments. You can also check online platforms that have billiard congress of america events. These platforms offer chances to compete and challenge other skilled players.


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