Babar Azam vs. Mohammad Rizwan: A Detailed Comparison

Babar vs Rizwan

Cricket as they say is a gentleman’s game and has been the most loved sport around the globe. Cricket in Pakistan is a passion and binds the nation together. There are many talented cricketers from Pakistan but among all, the two prominent names in the recent era are Babar Azam and Mohammad Rizwan. Both of these cricketers have made a huge name for themselves and are very talented players with continuous match-winning performances. Let’s talk about these two giants of cricketing world in this blog and analyze their styles, strengths and overall game.

Early Beginnings

Babar Azam

Like every other cricketer, Babar Azam also had a dream to become a successful player. His journey started from Lahore, the city which produces quality cricketers. Babar has been fond of playing cricket since childhood. Along with his cousins, he used to play cricket in the streets of Lahore. His dedication towards the game made him join the cricket academy where he polished his skills.

It was quite obvious that Babar had a lot of talent and he made it big by stepping into the Pakistan U-19 team. He started playing domestic cricket and impressed the selectors by his outstanding performances. In 2015, he got the chance to represent Pakistan in an ODI against Zimbabwe and that marked his international debut.

Mohammad Rizwan

Coming of Mohammad Rizwan to international cricket was a little different. Born in Peshawar, Rizwan like Babar started playing cricket at a young age but his journey to the top wasn’t as easy as it was for Babar. Rizwan had to wait for his turn and had to fight his way through to the top in domestic cricket. His consistent performance finally got him his debut for Pakistan in a T20I against Bangladesh in 2015. Since then Rizwan with his hard work and dedication to the country earned him a regular place in the national side.

Batting Styles and Techniques

Babar Azam: The Elegant Maestro

Babar Azam is often compared to the cricketing greats due to his elegant batting style. His cover drives are a treat to watch, exuding grace and precision. Babar’s technique is solid, with a perfect blend of traditional and modern cricketing shots. He has an uncanny ability to find gaps and rotate the strike, keeping the scoreboard ticking. Babar’s calm demeanor at the crease and his ability to handle pressure situations make him a reliable top-order batsman for Pakistan.

Mohammad Rizwan: The Dynamic Dynamo

Unlike Babar, Mohammad Rizwan prefers an aggressive and flamboyant style of cricket. Quick footwork and innovative shotmaking are the hallmarks of Rizwan’s innings. He is a right-handed batsman with a strong repertoire of shots and is especially strong against the spinners.

His footwork allows him to dance down the track to the spinners and collect boundaries. Undoubtedly, Rizwan’s aggressive temperament suits the limited overs format where teams require quick runs. However, the Karachi Kings batsman has the ability to play long innings and stay at the crease for extended periods.

Consistency and Records

Babar Azam

The consistency of Babar Azam in every version of the game has been astounding. He made a name for himself in the Pakistani batting lineup quite fast. Babar now owns a few of records, one of which is being the fastest player in T20 international history to reach 1000 runs. In ODIs and Tests, he has also been a prolific run scorer, frequently being compared to the great Virat Kohli. Babar’s adaptability and skill are demonstrated by his ability to modify his game for various forms and environments.

Mohammad Rizwan

Additionally outstanding is the record of Muhammad Rizwan, particularly in Twenty20 cricket. A noteworthy achievement that showcases Rizwan’s form and consistency, he became the first player in history to score more than 2000 T20 runs in a calendar year in 2021. Pakistan has won a lot of matches thanks in large part to Rizwan’s performances, especially in T20 internationals. Being able to perform well under duress and having a flair for big innings have made him one of the team’s most useful players.

Leadership and Team Impact

Babar Azam

When Babar Azam was named captain of the Pakistan cricket team, his leadership abilities were evident. The team has benefited from his calm and collected demeanour, which has given them stability and confidence. Pakistan’s results have significantly improved under Babar’s leadership, especially in Test and ODI cricket. Babar sets an exemplary example for the team, frequently starting the inning and bringing them through difficult circumstances.

Mohammad Rizwan

Despite not having captained the national side, Mohammad Rizwan has had a significant impact as an experienced player and batsman-wicketkeeper. Rizwan gives the captain vital assistance with his enthusiasm on the pitch and his boisterous presence behind the stumps. His ability to properly set fields and mentor bowlers is a clear indication of his leadership qualities. Pakistan’s recent success has been greatly attributed to Rizwan’s role as a senior player and his efforts in crucial moments.

Off the Field

Off the pitch, Muhammad Rizwan and Babar Azam are renowned for having modest and grounded dispositions. Aspiring cricket players look up to them because they represent the virtues of perseverance, commitment, and sportsmanship. Being active on social media and interacting with followers frequently, Babar and Rizwan share personal and professional details. Cricket fans around have come to appreciate and admire them for their behaviour off the pitch.

The Rivalry and Partnership

Off the pitch, Muhammad Rizwan and Babar Azam are renowned for having modest and grounded dispositions. Aspiring cricket players look up to them because they represent the virtues of perseverance, commitment, and sportsmanship. Being active on social media and interacting with followers frequently, Babar and Rizwan share personal and professional details. Cricket fans around have come to appreciate and admire them for their behaviour off the pitch.


The best of the present generation of Pakistani cricketers is represented by Babar Azam and Muhammad Rizwan. Their unique playing styles, reliability, and influence on the game have made them vital members of the national squad. Mohammad Rizwan dazzles with his dynamism and fire, while Babar Azam mesmerises with his elegance and tranquilly. They make a strong team that delights cricket fans all around the world. The Babar vs. Rizwan controversy will rage on as long as they both shatter records and reach new heights, but one thing is for sure: both players are priceless assets of Pakistani cricket, and their legacies will inspire next generations for years to come.


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